Writer, Director and Actor.
Founder of Vuccirìa Teatro with Enrico Sortino.
Joele Anastasi was born in 1989. He studied for two years at the International Musical Academy in Catania. He left Sicily to improve his acting. He attended a three-year course at the European Academy of Dramatic Arts - Link Academy, a bilingual academy of Dramatic Art in Rome where he studied both in Italian and English. He spent a hectic schedule of artistic and acting formation through different methodologies of acting.
In summer 2012 he was one of the actors selected to attend the International Theatre Laboratory of Venice Biennale with the Argentinean Claudio Tolcachir.
In 2013 he started working very young as writer and director. He took part to the creation of “Io, mai niente con nessuno avevo fatto” (Nothing with Nobody), winner of several international and national awards (San Diego International Fringe Festival 2014, Rome Fringe Festival 2013, etc..). Moreover the show is performed at Garofano Verde 2015 in The National Theatre Teatro Argentina in Rome.
This play marked the debut of Vuccirìa Teatro company of which he is one of the founder. He’s one of the most young writer and director of the country.
He was chosen by Spanish director, Angelica Liddell - inside of Venice Biennale context - to take part to the creation of a trial run for You are my destiny - The Rape of Lucretia. The completed show is presented for the first time in 2014 in Zagreb (National Theatre) and continues in a European tour (Teatre Odeon de Paris, Haus der Berliner Festspiele, Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam, deSingel of Antwerp, TNB of Rennes).
In 2014, Vuccirìa Teatro debuts in Rome, with its second show entitled BATTUAGE, where Joele Anastasi is once again also the writer and director.
In 2016, he wrote Quando il sale non era l’unico fiore, a cultural translation of the text The Littlewoods by the norwegian author Jan Jesper Halle presented for the first time at Piccolo Teatro of Milan (Tramedautore Festival).
In March 2016 debuted with Yesus Christo Vogue – An impossible tragedy in one act coproduced with Teatro dell’Orologio of Rome.
In Summer 2016 is one of the two Italian artists selected for the International Theatre Seminar at the 70th edition of FESTIVAL D'AVIGNON.
He’s currently working on the adaptation for the cinema of his first work Nothing With Nobody and in a new play, IN THE NAME OF OUR SACRED BODY (borned as performance site-specif at the MUSEUM OF MADNESS in Catane).
His last creation with Vuccirìa Teatro, presented in June 2017, IMMACOLATA CONCEZIONE, won the production prize I Teatri del Sacro V.
In 2017 is one of the four playwright winner of the international competition EU COLLECTIVE PLAYS and he's been selected for the International Residence at Platonov Arts Festival (Russia), while in 2018 he participated in the Rencontres Internationales for young creators of the contemporary scene at the Festival Transamerique in Montréal.
In 2018-2019 he will work as a performer again with the Spanish director Angelica Liddell on the European tour of the show THE SCARLETT LETTER.
+39.340 3883277 | +39.392 0400200
Patrizia Natale -
Teatro Bellini
+39 081.5491266