“We believe in Theatre as the expression of the need to narrate something very specific. For us every artist who chooses to write, direct or act drama, has the responsability to make a creative act which can not be ignored. We strongly try to avoid everything negligible, that you can easly do without, everything that is not incisive for moving the audience, but merely entertains it, leaving spectators without any inner tranformation , instead of make them deeply vibrate inside”.
Vuccirìa Teatro is an italian company that works in theater and performance art since 2013. The group, founded by JOELE ANASTASI and ENRICO SORTINO , works between Sicily and Rome. From 2018 Vucciria Teatro is produced by Fondazione Teatro di Napoli - Teatro Bellini.
Vuccirìa Teatro is looking for authorship pushed by the desire to create a language that could contribute to the fusion between original drama and acting research. Performers and creativity are at the heart of the work of the company in order to bring on scene the ‘essentialism’. Interpreters are encouraged to act like ‘animals’; they seem to be a mirror through which they recount those ‘wild’ characters living on the margins of society, even when this margin become clearly definite definable with society itself.
Best Show
Best Show
Best Show
Best drama to Joele Anastasi
Best Actor to Enrico Sortino
STAZIONI D'EMERGENZA V • Galleria Toledo, Napoli
Best Show
FESTIVAL DIRECTION UNDER 30 • Teatro Sociale, Gualtieri
Critics' Prize
Nothing with Nobody is the company’s first work, winner for best show, best dramaturgy (Joele Anastasi) and best actor (Enrico Sortino) at 2013 Roma Fringe Festival. In 2014 this show represented Italy at San Diego International Fringe Festival, adding the highest award: Best Show 2014. With the same show, the company wins Stazioni d’Emergenza - Atto V - For new Creativity 2014, (Teatro Galleria Toledo, Napoli) and the Critics Award at the Festival Direction Under 30 (Teatro Sociale, Guiltier). In September of the same year the show was chosen to open the festival Garofano Verde XXI, marking the beginning of the season of Rome’s National Theatre - Teatro Argentina.
The path of the company continues with a dramaturgy research related to identity and origins, and debuts in 2014 their second work BATTUAGE (already finalist of the Prize Ne(x)twork – Kilowatt Festival & Teatro dell’Orologio) that is followed in the 2016 by YESUS CHRISTO VOGUE - Impossible tragedy in one act, co-produced by the Teatro dell'Orologio in Rome. The need to define more and more the body of the artist (and the contemporary man) as the main field of investigation, brings the company closer to the language of Performance-Art, while preserving the text as the motor of the scenic research. The sacrality - and the body considered as a sacred place - is at the center of the latest creations of the company, which in 2017 presents IMMACOLATA CONCEZIONE, winner of the Prize I Teatri del Sacro V.
The company's plan for the next years is focused on this artistic trend, with the creation of two future projects whose debut is scheduled
for 2019 and 2020, thanks to the support of the Teatro Bellini in Naples that became in 2018 the company’s main producer.
After some international artistic experiences of the company (as the most recent participation at the FITT Festival of Tarragona, Spain) and the awards obtained by the young playwright and company’s director - Joele Anastasi, 1989 - the goal for the company is the consolidation within the contemporary european scene.
WE ARE NOT PENELOPE - About Fidelity, whose first study was a finalist of the Dante Cappelletti Award 2017, is a project born in collaboration with the Spanish company Estigma and the Portuguese artist Nuno Nolasco. After a series of artistic residences (some of which have already been carried out and others scheduled in the up coming months between Lisbon, Cordoba and Rome) this live performance installation will debut in 2019. The text is based on a plurilinguistic dramaturgy, in Italian, Portuguese and Spanish, and has a much more performatic point of view. This artistic object is a dialogue between theater, fine-arts, performance and cinema and for that reason it’s being created for site specific places like museums, art galleries or outdoor environments.
The goal for 2020 is instead the presentation of a larger project, entitled IN THE NAME OF THIS OUR SACRED BODY - which sees on stage 13 actors and 1 lyric singer - born from a site-specific performance presented in the Museo della Follia of the Ursino Castle and that combines the usual language of the company and the performance-art researched in the previous work, towards a choral and elaborated scenic composition in favor of a mixture of scenic mediums.
+39.340 3883277 | +39.392 0400200
Patrizia Natale -
Teatro Bellini
+39 081.5491266